Tuesday Mar 19, 2024

01 My Story and Why I Am Helping Women Overcome Depression & Anxiety

Hey Friend! It's Melanie Bourbeau with Ditching Depression For Busy Moms.

If you are curious how I went from a naive health coach to a seasoned depression coach, you will love this episode. I'll explain how a tragic text message was the turning point for my life's purpose. I'll also show how God led me to create this podcast so I could pour into you and help you rise above the darkness of depression and anxiety naturally.

Praying For You My Friend,


To continue the conversation, please come join me in The Mom's Ditching Depression Community. Find it here: www.ditchingdepressiongroup.com

Many people are struggling with finances right now and it is causing more depression and anxiety than ever before. If there was a way that you could work 2 hours per day and make hundreds per day with passive online income, would you want to know about it? If you want to see the blueprint, enter your email at www.dailypaidblessings.com


If you want to know how I can help you, let's jump on a free 15 min Discovery Call. Book it here. https://calendly.com/melanie-discovery4u/lets_chat


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